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Washed in the Ebb and Flow, Past, Present & Future

Image from Utamaro's, A Chorus of Birds
Image from Utamaro’s, A Chorus of Birds
 I have a new article out in Vermont Views Magazine
Here is an excerpt.

Following a Thread

Every time I begin to feel lost or overwhelmed, I take a moment to slow down and look outside of myself to see other lives around me and to reflect on how each of our lives comes together, despite problems, to allow us choices— to live this life to reach our potential & meet our challenges. I believe each of us carries with us a direction, with lessons to learn and fires to light within ourselves. Many paths stretch out in front of us as we start our lives, some are painful and others are fulfilling but they each can bring us closer to our interior life. We don’t always take those forays into the unknown, those roads we can’t see the end of, because what we don’t know can scare us, and fear can be a strong entangler … However, through paying attention to our intuition, that inner voice that nudges us in certain directions (if we listen close enough) we can catch a glimpse of a possibility that is not mapped out.
