Julia will be teaching a week long letterpress workshop at Wells College starting July 9-15th.
Letterpress Word Play with Julia Ferrari
This class offers participants a unique chance to develop word-poem stories while simultaneously learning traditional letterpress relief printing techniques, making a distinctive multidisciplinary connection to letterforms on paper.
Word play refers to the fact that we will be inventing poems spontaneously, using improvisation and therefore will become involved imaginatively with composing poem-sentences and then physically with composing metal and wooden type in printed forms. It will begin with word-play exercises involving imaginative and thoughtful, spoken and written responses. Throughout this process, participants will work collaboratively, creating a narrative story together while working toward a finished, shared content, hand-printed chapbook, consisting of traditional relief letterpress methods centered on the written stories we create. Participants will then pamphlet-bind a small edition, which we will share. Follow the link below to sign up. Limited enrollment.