Learn and implement permaculture
Golgonooza Letter Foundry is seeking students who wish to implement the activities of permaculture gardening. In this time of Covid when the press is unable to accommodate students inside the press, we invite students who would like to spend time here to help maintain and create aspects of a permaculture garden outside and around the press. We will discuss and study principles of Permaculture and begin to implement those principles on this parcel of land with its site particularities with an eye toward the eventual combination of creating a place of learning craft and permaculture under one roof.
Having always believed in the concept of the Press being one with a full outer and inner life, I would like to offer a two week period of experimentation within the ideas of creating and maintaining a functional, permaculture space located around the press. The creative process remains of primary importance for us as human beings, and it includes our environment and how we live, as well as our use of resources and footprint, in addition to our own personal creativity in either the arts, craft or music etc.
Internship: October 12-23 2020
Cost: an exchange of time and work for interested students pending an interview by phone
Social distancing will be maintained, and all time will be spent out of doors, weather permitting.
See “Classes” page for contact information (at bottom) etc.
Please email your interest, with “October Internship” in the subject bar.