Retreats, Residencies & Workshops
The ART|WORK Retreat and Residency is a new program to provide artists in all media extended time to focus on their art, craft, and community. The ART|WORK Residency offers writers, musicians and artists a private work space with a shared kitchen. Capacity: 2 residents per week Fee-based.
Creative Residencies — one week long
Writers/Artists Residencies: One week long, starting April 2024
Literary / Letterpress Retreat — $550. 2 hours a day for 4 afternoons
LITERARY / LETTERPRESS Retreat, in partnership with The 32M Center for Creative Work in Ashuelot, New Hampshire: Announcing a special retreat for writers where we will work with you to design and print a small Broadside from a piece of your writing. (See 32M page for more info.) Living space available for an additional fee.
Golgonooza is a letterpress printing studio that has worked for the past 30+ years on projects with authors and artists such as Maya Angelou, John Ashbery, Samuel Becket & Arthur Miller.
“Here at Golgonooza Letter Foundry & Press we embrace and incorporate in our teaching an awareness of our physical world: a world of creativity, spirituality, and art. The practice of craft through the use of our hands provides a fundamental entry into our expansive and changing universe.” Julia Ferrari, Co-Founder
Open Writing Residencies — 2024: $450./week
starting May 27 June 3, 17
Self directed. Focused time to work on your writing project.
Includes private studio/living space, private bath, shared kitchen
Critique session with experienced writer available
Poetry Writing Residency — $450./week
starting June 10 and 24
Self directed. Spend your mornings writing and your afternoons enjoying the river view.
Includes private studio/living space, private bath, shared kitchen
Critique session with experienced writer available
Art Residency — $450./week
starting May 6, 13 and 20
Self directed. Includes private studio/living space, private bath, shared kitchen
Critique session with experienced artist
July and August Residencies:
contact us for dates and details
- Length of Residency: weekly (up to 1 month) Spring (April-May), Summer (June-August), Fall (September-October),
- Available living spaces/art space: 1 studio room with adjacent bedroom, private bathroom, shared kitchen, space to park one 1 vehicle
- or: 1 combined studio/living space, with bathroom, soaking tub, shared kitchen, space to park one 1 vehicle
- Available writing/art spaces have: studios with river views
- Costs: $450/303/539. week depending on studio and work/study options
- Additional workshop/class sessions available for the Poetry and Journaling residencies for additional fee
- Application Fee: There is no application fee
- Summer ART|WORK Residency rolling application starts:
Spring session 2024: February 11
Summer session 2024 : April 6
Fall session 2024: June 8
Additional WritersWorkshops dates
Journal Writing workshops: 4 sessions: Saturdays 10 am-noon $25. ea
starting May 11 and 18
Poetry Writing workshops: 4 sessions: Tuesdays evenings 6 pm-8pm $30. ea
- Spring 2024: starts April 11, 2024, applicants will be notified of selection by March 31, 2024.
- Summer 2024: June 6, 2024, applicants will be notified of selection by April 6, 2024.
- Fall 2024: August 8, 2024, applicants will be notified of selection by June 8, 2024.
- Covid Precautions: All participants must have had been fully vaccinated 2 weeks prior to the start of their residency. Masks worn in public areas is mandatory.
During their retreat: writers, musicians and artists may submit a request for a critique of their workt.

32M Work/Residency Artists will also take part in a community effort to rehabilitate 32 Main, an historic mill workers’ quarters, into a vibrant workshop, dormitory, and community arts space. The nature and amount of this work is tailored to the interests and experience of participating artists.
The 32M Work/Residency
The 32M Work/Residency is a competitive work/study opportunity and combines living space and a private studio in exchange for hands-on collaborative work rehabilitating a historic mill building on the banks of the Ashuelot River.
32M Work/Residency Artists will take part in a community effort to rehabilitate 32 Main, an historic mill workers’ quarters, into a vibrant workshop, dormitory, and community arts space. The nature and amount of this work is tailored to the interests and experience of participating artists. with daily 4 hour reciprocal work sessions, afternoons free, studio/living space for 1 week. Inquire for details and submission information.
Life as Art/ Art as Life Summer 2024
Field Days at Golgonooza
We are offering another Field Days at Golgonooza event like we did last October because it was so much fun. We invite you to come help us around the place to receive non-expiring credits toward future classes. We spend a chunk of time working together on a project (like digging raspberries) and engage in improv music or entertaining discussions about our connections to nature and art from our inner senses. Come join us.
Fridays: 10-4
October 13, 20, 27, 2024
Please contact us to sign up.

Cement Step Repair
Class offering—Part of our building repair series:
Learn how to repair your chipped cement steps with this informative session with our building experts. We will go through the process together, constructing a cement form and rebuilding the step with quickcrete.
$35.00 each person
June 24, 9-2
Overcoming your Creative Block
Class offering: Overcoming your Creative Block
For Artists who are going through a creative drought.
We will work through the common state of feeling blocked in your creativity, and
we will begin a weekly challenge to meet and discuss, with the caveat that we will approach the work in a non judgmental descriptive mindset.
$100./ series of 3 sessions,
Tuesdays from 4-5 pm . July 16, 23, 30
email or call for details

Learn and implement permaculture
Community Sufficiency vs Self Sufficiency Series
Golgonooza Letter Foundry is seeking students who wish to implement the activities of permaculture gardening. In this time of Covid when the press is unable to accommodate students inside the press, we invite students who would like to spend time here to help maintain and create aspects of a permaculture garden outside and around the press. We will discuss and study principles of Permaculture and begin to implement those principles on this parcel of land with its site particularities with an eye toward the eventual combination of creating a place of learning craft and permaculture under one roof.

Having always believed in the concept of the Press being one with a full outer and inner life, I would like to offer a one to two week period of experimentation within the ideas of creating and maintaining a functional, permaculture space located around the press. The creative process remains of primary importance for us as human beings, and it includes our environment and how we live, as well as our use of resources and footprint, in addition to our own personal creativity in either the arts, craft or music etc.
Rolling Internship between October 12-23 2023
We will discuss permaculture ideas, have a working bee, and if time permits do some music improv…all outdoors. A collaborative, stone mandala spiral to end the session will be created, if there is interest.

COST: an exchange of time and work for interested students pending an interview by phone. Helper bees of 6 hours or more will qualify for an equal exchange for future workshop hours…see Type & Sound, Type & Writing, Type & ART below.
Please email your interest, with “October field-work day” in the subject bar. If calling, please let ring more than usual, as it is a landline. Contact info is below.
Social distancing will be maintained, and all time will be spent out of doors, weather permitting. Bring snacks, food and drink for yourself, as we cannot easily have a potluck at this time. Bring a mug, as we will brew a big pot of tea from herbs that are harvested off this land: nettles, lemon balm, mints etc…

Note: No afternoon session will be held on Saturday the 17th
Free Video Class: Ephemeral Art
Postponed due to COVID-19:
Due to COVID-19, our programs & retreats have been postponed. We hope to offer these programs in Summer 2021. Please join our mailing list to stay updated on course offerings.
Finding your Creative Soul with Type: Collaborative Linked Verse Poetry
Starting with writing collaborative linked verse poetry, we will spend a week immersing ourselves in the art and craft of setting & printing with metal type, and making a simple soft cover book. We will be working with a fixed material (type) in a very fluid way, as we tap into the rhythm of this material and its connection to our creative self.
Dates: Postponed
Location: Maine Media Workshops + College 70 Camden Street, Rockport, ME 04856
Levels: Intermediate, Advanced
Workshop Fee: $1125
Class Size: 8
For more information or to register, please visit: https://www.mainemedia.edu/workshops/item/finding-your-creative-soul-with-type-collaborative-linked-verse-poetry/
Exploring Grief through Printmaking
Come explore and express your grieving process through printmaking. Open to anyone in the grieving process.
Dates: Postponed
Location: River Gallery School 32 Main St, Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Price: TBD
For more information, please visit:
Type & Sound Workshops
Spend a series of days exploring the relationship within you to your creativity. We will work with the hand craft of Letterpress, setting type by hand to create and interact with improvisational music.
Dates: Postponed
Location: Golgonooza Letter Foundry & Press, Ashuelot Village, NH 03441
Type & Art Workshops
We will combine printmaking with Letterpress typography to create and learn new skills at the presses and make a unique broadsheet with your art and words.
Date: Postponed
Location: Golgonooza Letter Foundry & Press, Ashuelot Village, NH 03441
Type & Writing Workshops
Starting with writing collaborative linked verse poetry, we will spend a week immersing ourselves in the art and craft of setting & printing with metal type, and making a simple soft cover book. We will be working with a fixed material (type) in a very fluid way, as we tap into the rhythm of this material and its connection to our creative self.
Date: Postponed
Location: Golgonooza Letter Foundry & Press, Ashuelot Village, NH 03441
Do you have a question or need clarification about a class? Contact Julia Ferrari at Julia@golgonoozaletterfoundry.com
To learn more about Julia and the press, please visit our About page